Friday, July 29, 2011

WEB Sites About Pakistan

About Pakistan

The Islamic republic of Pakistan emerged as an independent sovereign state on   14th August 1947, as a result of the division of former British India. It lies   between 23-35 to 37- 05 north latitude and 60-50 to 77- 50 east longitude   touching the Hindukush Mountains in the north and extending from the Pamirs to   the Arabian Sea.
Pakistan covers 796,095 with a population of 132.35   million according to population census 1998. It is divided into four provinces:  
  • Sindh,  
  • Punjab,  
  • Khyber Pakhtun Khwa 
  • Balochistan.
Climatically, Pakistan enjoys a considerable measure of variety. North and   north western high mountainous ranges are extremely cold in winter while the   summer months of April to September are very pleasant.
The country has an   agricultural economy with a network of canals irrigating a major part of its   cultivated land. Wheat, cotton, rice, millet and sugar cane are the major crops.   Among fruits: mangos, oranges, bananas and apples are grown in abundance in   different parts of the country. The main natural resources are natural gas,   coal, salt and iron. The country has an expanding industry. Cotton, Textiles,   sugar, cement, and chemicals play an important role in its economy.
The   country comprises of a vast area that was the great center of ancient   civilizations of the world. Its historical sites beginning with stone-age to   Twentieth Century A.D are a mirror of the life of its people who were, by   nature, simple, virile, hospitable and hard working. Ancient sites excavated in   Taxila, Harappa, and Moenjodaro speak volumes for Pakistan’s rich cultural   background dating back to 3,000 B.C.

Flag of Pakistan

Thursday, July 28, 2011


PAKISTAN officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Urdu: اسلامی جمہوریۂ پاکِستان) is a sovereign state in South Asia. It has a 1,046-kilometre (650 mi) coastline along the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman in the south and is bordered by Afghanistan and Iran in the west, India in the east and China in the far northeast.Pakistan is the world's 7th nuclear Power.
The name Pakistan means Land of (the) Pure in Urdu and Persian. It was coined in 1933 as Pakstan by Choudhary Rahmat Ali, a Pakistan movement activist, who published it in his pamphlet Now or Never.Pakistan has following Provinces Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, Kashmir, Sindh, and Baluchistan".Islamabad is the capital of Pakistan.Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan. Lahore,Peshawar,Quetta,Faisalabad and Multan are important cities of Pakistan.Urdu is the national language of Pakistan.Currency is Pakistani Rupee (Rs.,PKR).Total area of Pakistan is 796,095 km2.